Friday, January 30, 2015

Welcome to Bottoms & Bows!

Welcome to my sewing & creations blog ~ Bottoms & Bows!

Here I will post all of my handmade creations and where I got the patterns or ideas! Along the way I'll have a few Blasts From the Past to showcase a few of my past endeavors.

Bottoms & Bows encompasses so much more than just sewing and crafty creations but it is the "parent company" of side ventures for Greenbean Herbal & Beauty and SugarBear Parties & Creations! So you never know exactly what you might find in these pages ;) However, if you are specifically looking for a particular type of post, just peruse the labels section and click on whatever type of creation you want to see!

You can follow me on Pinterest if you like ~ just click here. At the bottom of my page there is a whole bunch of boards labeled Past Events:: and sprinkled among my boards are things like Gifts:: Made. If I've tried it, I've commented on it!

Bottoms & Bows started out about 11 years ago. Initially, I just wanted to sew diapers and related items. My godson's mother and I were full throttle and getting ready to open an online store. Then my godson died. It was a really long time before I started thinking about sewing again.

However, somewhere along the way, long before I started thinking about sewing again, I began to start making my own herbal remedies and beauty products rather than buy them. This blossomed and is still blossoming - who knows what the final bouquet is going to look like! Obviously, the name of the bouquet is Greenbean Herbal & Beauty :D

Finally, my best friend since Kindergarten created awesome cakes. I mean she created masterpieces! We founded an idea to not just do make cakes but to throw parties. It began as end-of-the-season parties for sports leagues and then began to encompass so much more. Nearly two years ago, she was struck with an aneurysm and subsequent stroke that has left her physically unable to do anything like that. I have not given up hope though!!! She's come a lot farther than we thought she would and she is mentally, completely there - no personality changes, same stinkin' sense of humor, and same encouraging and loving best friend I had before. I've already begun trying to find a one-handed rolling pin (she has use of one arm) for I'm determined that she will help in the kitchen once again! So for the time being, SugarBear Creations is currently only used for family.

I do hope you enjoy yourself! And please, let me know if you made anything I post about and how it turned out for you!!

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